Reach your development goals faster with protocol stacks from MicroControl!
Thousands of engineers in demanding industries such as automotive, measurement and energy technology already benefit from fast, secure and efficient MicroControl protocol stacks to reach their goals faster.
The protocol stacks are optimized to
- low resource consumption (RAM/Flash)
- quick and easy integration
- different development environments (IDEs)
- requirements of software designers
Following the concept of interlocking bricks, you can combine the single modules to set up the desired function.
- The CANpie FD driver is an open interface for more than 160 microcontrollers
- The CANopen/CANopen FD Master offers versatile configuration options to control CANopen networks
- CANopen Master and CANopen FD Master are also available as “Safety” version and are EN 50325-S compliant
- The CANopen/CANopen FD Slave is resource optimized and ideally suited for intelligent sensors and actuators
- The J1939/J1939 FD is designed for easy integration of these standards into mobile systemes
- The CANopen/CANopen FD Bootloader contains the complete functionality for the integration into your existing devices
- The CANpie FD Server visualizes development environments and can be executed on all PC operating systems.
- The Code Generator with its graphic user interface (picture) facilitates selection and compilation individual protocol packages
MicroControl experts will also assist you in the implementation on your target system.
Do not miss this opportunity and contact us!