CANopen Slave Protocol Software – for Photovoltaic Components
From version 6.16, the modular CANopen /CANopen FD Slave protocol stack from MicroControl supports the development of photovoltaic components that are intended to comply with the CANopen applications profile CiA 437.
The CiA 454 application profile for energy management systems has also been included in the portfolio. The application profiles are an optional add-on which can be integrated into the protocol stack in the same way as any other available device profile. In addition to the CANopen services of the CiA 301 specification, the stack also supports LSS (CiA 305).
For further details about our protocol software portfolio, please visit our product page at:
The protocol stack is written in C and can be ported to any microcontroller by using the CANpie driver. The processor architecture used does not affect the functional scope of the protocol stacks.
Please find further information about our CANpie driver concept at:
Customized Components for Renewable Energy Generation
Custom solutions for use in energy generation can be realized quickly and efficiently based on our well-established I/O modules.
For a fuel cell project, for example, the µCAN.8.dio-SNAP module has been expanded to include four analogue inputs, two temperature inputs and a fixed-voltage output.
In solar thermal systems, a customized solution for measuring the process variables based on theµCAN-SNAP module family was developed with the customer, which also includes a compact Linux control unit.
The systems mentioned here, communicate efficiently via the standardized CANopen interface.
More information about our µCAN-SNAP product family is available here:
More application examples for renewable energy generation: