Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Formula Student Team –

You brake, you lose

The long-standing and successful collaboration between Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and MicroControl has resulted in many positive developments in recent years. An outstanding example of this cooperation is the support of the university’s Formula Student Team. MicroControl’s expertise in the field of fieldbuses, in particular CAN, CANopen, CANopen FD and J1939, provides the team with valuable technical support and advice.

At the end of May, the Formula Student Team had the honour of presenting its new car for the up-coming competitions of the 2024 season.

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Formula Student Team presenting the new E-racing car G24e
Veiled car in the presentation ceremony of the G24e Hi, Speed

Torsten Krahl, CTO at MicroControl, was also present at the ceremonial rollout of the ‘G24e’ electric racing car. He had the opportunity to inspect the new vehicle from close up and gain a positive first impression. He was very impressed by the innovative power and technical expertise that have gone into the new car.


Rear of e-racing car "Wer bremst, verliert (You brake, your lose)"

MicroControl has been the perfect contact for students at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences for many years when it comes to the use and integration of fieldbus systems into their racing cars.

The company’s many years of experience and in-depth knowledge of CAN bus technologies contribute significantly to the team’s success. Whether implementing new systems or optimizing existing components, MicroControl is always there to provide hands-on advice and support.

We wish the entire Formula Student Team of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences a successful and exciting racing season. May the joint efforts and many years of cooperation continue to lead to outstanding results. MicroControl will continue to stand by the team’s side as a reliable partner and support them on their journey. 👍

Bonn Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, announcement Rollout 24 May 2024